Saturday, April 21, 2018

Apparently Durian Fruit Beneficial For Our Body Health

The benefits of durian fruit for health must not know much about it. Durian is the original fruit of Southeast Asia. Durian is a unique fruit and also controversial, ranging from the texture of fruit, skin, until the aroma. Many people who like the fruit durian karna texture is soft and sweet, but not a few also avoid it, because the aroma that according to some people can make them feel nauseated. As quoted from articles of health care, this he benefits durian fruit for our body health:

1. Prevent and treat constipation (Fiber 37%). Durians are rich in fiber as well as nutrients that can release regular bowel movements. In addition, the fiber contained in the durian can also effectively prevent and treat constipation.

2. Helps prevent anemia (Folate 22%). Anemia (red blood cells below normal) is not always caused by iron deficiency in the body. Folate deficiency can also cause anemia called pernicious anemia. Folate, also called vitamin B9, is needed to produce red blood cells. Durian fruit itself is one source of vitamin B9.

3. Improve skin health (Vitamin C 80%). Durian contains high enough vitamin C. Vitamin C is an important factor in the production of collagen. Vitamin C has an important role in wound healing and maintaining healthy skin.

4. Helps maintain bone health (Potassium 30%). Durian is also rich in potassium. When discussing bone health, most people will focus on calcium. However, potassium is also an essential nutrient for bone, so eating durian fruit will provide benefits for bone health.

5. Set blood sugar levels (39% Manganese). Durian fruit can help regulate blood sugar levels because of the manganese content in it.

6. Helps maintain thyroid function (Copper 25%). Durian is a good source of copper. When talking about the thyroid gland, iodine may be the only nutrient that is often associated with it. However, copper substances also play a role in thyroid metabolism, especially in hormone production and absorption. The thyroid gland has a function in regulating the body's sensitivity to other hormones, making proteins, and regulating the speed of the body in burning energy. Eat durian will be useful in maintaining the function of the thyroid gland.

7. The benefits of durian fruit encourage appetite (Thiamin 61%). Durian is also rich in B vitamins that play a role in stimulating appetite and helping to produce acid chloride in the stomach to help digestion of food.

8. Helps relieve migraines (Riboflavin 29%). Do you often experience migraines? Eating durian fruit can help relieve migraine pain. Riboflavin is a B vitamin contained in durian, which can help relieve migraine headaches.

9. Helps prevent depression (Vitamin B6 38%). Durian contains vitamin B6. Lack of vitamin B6 in the body can cause depression. Vitamin B6 is an essential nutrient in the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter chemical that affects mood.

10. Instrumental in bone and tooth formation (Phosphorus). Phosphorus is one of the nutrients contained in the durian. Although calcium is the most famous nutrient for bone health, calcium can not process the formation of bones and teeth without phosphorus. That is some of the benefits of durian for the health of the body. Eat them moderately and not excessively will be beneficial to the body. But for those of you who have certain health conditions or problems such as gout, you should consult a doctor before taking it.

Many benefits of durian fruit, but need to be reminded again, in consuming durian fruit is strongly recommended to not too frequent and excessive. Because everything that is excessive is not good.

Benefits of Mangosteen For Beauty, Health, And Pregnant Women

Mangosteen or Garcinia mangostana L is a perennial green tree species originating from the tropics of the archipelago. Mangosteen fruit has the characteristics of red-purple skin when ripe, although there are also types of mangosteen fruit red skin when ripe. Mangosteen fruit in the world of fruits is called a fruit queen paired with durian fruit as king of the fruit. The benefits of mangosteen fruit can be very much because it contains many anti-inflammatory and antioxidants. Even this fruit abroad is known as the highest antioxidant fruit in the world.

Talking about the content of mangosteen fruit, of course you are curious about the benefits of mangosteen fruit is good for health and body. In the next sub-section will be discussed about what the benefits of the mangosteen fruit with a little explanation. However, we first discuss about the nutritional content in this mangosteen fruit.

Nutrition Content of Mangosteen Fruit

The benefits of the mangosteen fruit and its contents are numerous. One mangosteen contains more than 40 kinds of natural chemical compounds called xhanthones. Xhanthones are called the most active antioxidants and can be found in nature. In the benefits of garcia mangosteen fruit is also contained other compounds such as catechins, polysaccharides, quinones, stilbene, and also polyphenols. In addition, mangosteen is a source of fiber and carbohydrates that also contain vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, iron, calcium, magnesium, and high potassium.

Side Effects of Mangosteen Fruit

Although the content of mangosteen fruit is quite a lot and beneficial to the body, but the consumption of this fruit can still excessively undesirable negative impacts. The benefits of the mangosteen fruit and its side effects are associated with mild allergic symptoms with reddish skin signs, occurrence pembengakkan, itching that is in some parts of the body, and the skin becomes scaly because it is dry. In addition, the side effects are cause allergies that can affect the body's work system examples are joint pain, headache, muscle pain, and stomach nausea and bloating.

How to Process Mangosteen Skin

The myriad benefits of mangosteen fruit you can get if eating mangosteen fruit regularly as recommended and not excessive. Various kinds of mangosteen skin extract is now widely circulated in the market, but not infrequently there are some people who want to be creative by processing the skin of mangosteen fruit personally. Mangosteen fruit can be processed into juice, tea, mangosteen skin extract, stew of the benefits of mangosteen peel, and also wedang mangosteen skin.

Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit

In this section we will briefly describe the benefits of mangosteen fruit, such as:

1. Benefits of Mangosteen Fruits for Pregnant Women

Benefits of mangosteen fruit for pregnant women certainly play an important role in the process of growing baby and fetus in the stomach. Mangosteen fruit can prevent the occurrence of defects in infants, causing cartilage, forming the immune system for the mother during pregnancy, overcoming constipation, and also prevent precipitation that is caused by the presence of problems in blood vessels under stress during pregnancy.

2. Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit for Beauty

The benefits of the mangosteen fruit for beauty can be realized the results through a series of treatments from within and outside the body. The treatment of the body is related to the direct consumption of mangosteen fruit skin juice regularly every night before bed. As for outside treatments, the skin of mangosteen fruit can be used as a mask. Both of these are very useful in
  • Keep skin looking smooth
  • Brighten the skin
  • Prevent skin diseases
  • Freed from signs of premature aging

You can maximize the benefits of this one by drinking mangosteen skin juice every day each before going to bed or by using a mask of mangosteen skin for several consecutive days from the night before bed until the morning before.

3. Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit for Diet

The benefits of the mangosteen fruit to the diet is actually not a hoax because the skin of mangosteen can increase the body's metabolism and destroy the fat that is very useful in the life of someone who is undergoing a diet program. In addition, eating the mangosteen fruit can make a balanced appetite and maintain our diet so that the diet program is being done more smoothly and the results to be maximal because the diet does not mean we become not eating at all.

4. Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit for Health

In addition to beauty and also diet, mangosteen fruit also has its own benefits for health.

Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit for Heart Health

The benefits of the mangosteen fruit for heart health is supported by the presence of xanthone substances capable of killing pathogens. Pathogens are the cause of severe and mild disease such as hypertension and heart disease. Thanks to these substances, of course your heart health becomes more awake by eating the mangosteen fruit and extract according to the rules and doses specified.

Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit for Kidney

Who would have thought if this fruit is also efficacious in helping efforts to heal the kidneys. The content of the substances present in the mangosteen fruit is able to help the kidney work system in doing filtration, help prevent kidney stones disease, and overcome the polycystic kidney.

5. Other Benefits of Mangosteen Fruit

Benefits of the mangosteen fruit and its skin is well known among the people of Indonesia, even many of the meds who advise his patients to consume mangosteen skin to dbuat juice from the skin of mangosteen. Mangosteen's skin is already proven to have a complete nutritional content and extraordinary benefits for healing, treatment, and healing various diseases. The benefits of mangosteen shells are a little hard when it will be opened usually by the owner is not thrown indiscriminately because it can be processed back into things that are useful.

How To Maintain Your Body Health In Everyday

A healthy body is a capital to perform various activities and daily activities, whether related to the world or with life after the world of the Hereafter. With a healthy body we can perform activities smoothly and results in line with expectations.

A healthy body is the desire of all people not your exception is not it? Health is a precious treasure because health is expensive. If we are sick, we need doctors and medicines to heal the pain, we are therefore healthy is a very expensive thing. We will not feel comfortable even though we have abundant wealth and wealth if our bodies are not healthy then we can not enjoy life.

Danger of Bad Bad Lifestyle

Poor diet and consuming unhealthy foods with no rules causes the body to become unhealthy. People prefer to eat instant food and instant because many people are too busy with activities and work so that the pattern of eating is not regular. They consume food without considering the content contained in the food. Bad habits can also be a cause of your body is not healthy like the habit of sleeping too late at night and other habits such as eating foods and beverages that are not healthy.

Starting from now let's do a healthy life by doing things that can keep our body healthy. The way to keep our body healthy can be modern or natural way. You can also do small things that are easy but will have an important effect in maintaining body health. Here are some ways to keep your body healthy:

1. Fill the fibrous foods
The body needs fiber-containing foods to keep the body from attacking bacteria, the fiber also serves to stimulate the smooth expenditure of dirt from our body through the activity of the intestinal tract. Dirt in our bodies will be easily removed if the fiber needs are met. If the dirt in the body difficult to remove due to lack of fiber, the dirt in the body can accumulate so it can be toxic in the body and cause disease. Meet your body needs with enough fiber. Foods that contain high fiber include:
  • Kiwi fruit - Kiwis are the fruits that contain the highest fiber than other fruits. Fiber content in kiwi fruit 3.0 gram / 100 gram fiber. You can consume kiwi with juice or make other menu that you like like fruit soup. To avoid boredom by just eating kiwi fruit directly.
  • Red beans - Red beans also include foods that contain high fiber. In addition to high fiber red beans contain protein and iron are very good for health.
  • Avocado Fruit - Avocados contain high fiber which is good for the health of the body. Avocado contains unsaturated fats that can reduce the risk of heart disease and can lower cholesterol. This fruit can be consumed with various menus such as juz, eaten with milk, fruit ice and other menus seseai with your taste.
  • Corn - Corn is a food that can replace rice or staple food because of the carbohydrate content in it. In addition to foods containing carbohydrates, corn contains a high enough fiber. Corn can be consumed with vegetables, pudding, or snacks such as popcorn.
  • Beans - Beans include vegetables that contain high fiber. In addition to containing high fiber beans also contains antioxidants that are good for health and prevent heart attacks or heart disease cancer.
  • Oatmeal - Oatmeal is a food that contains high fiber. Consumption of oatmeal for breakfast is great for healthy body. Oatmeal is also a diet rich in fiber with a special type as a food to lower cholesterol in the body. Boost the immune system of the fiber named beta glucan.
  • Peas - Peas are a type of nuts that contain high fiber. One cup of peas contains 16.3 grams of fiber.
2. Breakfast before 9 o'clock
Breakfast is very important to maintain the health of our body. It has been agreed by some experts that the best breakfast is breakfast before 9 am. Breakfast is very important because in the morning our stomach condition is empty because it has been processed when we rest at night which is about 7 to 8 hours.

Breakfast is our source of energy for daytime activities. Leaving breakfast can cause the body becomes weak, lethargic, less powerful and hard to think. In children breakfast can increase the strength and intelligence in thinking so as to improve learning achievement. Breakfast for can meet energy needs as much as 15 to 30% of daily energy and nutritional needs. In addition to meeting the energy needs of the breakfast body was also able to prevent obesity and hipokolesterol.

3. Keep hygiene and hygiene food
All foods you consume should be kept clean. Foods such as fruits and vegetables are washed before you consume them. If cooking your food, cook it perfectly. Immature foods that are perfectly at risk still contain bacteria that can harm your body's health.

4. Avoid eating too often instant foods
Instant food has a practical advantage presented and tasty but has more negative effects for the health of the body. Instant food is very friendly for those of you who are busy with activities and jobs such as office workers or college students. One of the instant foods that are easily served are instant noodles. Do not consume too much instant noodles because of the many chemical substances in it such as sodium polyphosphate, sodium carbonate, potassium carbonate, wax substances and food coloring that all these substances are not good if too often enter into our bodies.

We do not mean should not consume at all instant food but not too often, maximum once a week. In cooking instant noodles also in the right way that is not to cook the spice noodles in a fire that burns but sprinkle seasoning when the noodles have been cooked and are in the dish. When cooking the noodles of the cooking water is replaced with a new one, because the noodles contain wax so the water of noodle dishes contains a lot of candles and if entered into the body will be dangerous.

5. Portion control
Excessive eating portion will not increase body health but it can cause many diseases. If you eat too much portion then the risk of fat will be higher. People who are fat will be more susceptible to various diseases and obesity. Eat with a reasonable portion.

Some of the dangers of eating with excessive portion of them will lead to diabetes, impaired function of brain insulin signals, psychological growth is inhibited, sugar levels can rise higher, the body generates a lot of free radicals, and other negative effects.

6. Avoid consuming isotonic drinks too often
Isotonic drinks are sold a lot does have a better taste but if we consume too often it is not good for the health of the body. Isotonic drinks contain lots of chemicals and preservatives that are not good for the health of the body. It is better if you consume juz or coconut water.

Juice from fresh fruit will meet the needs of vitamins in the body, coconut water that has many benefits for the body will help remove toxins that are in your body. Water head is great for body health because its natural content can replace lost body ions due to day activities. Head water is also good for the health of pregnant women.

7. Exercise regularly
Maintaining a healthy body in addition to the food we also must balance the body with exercise regularly. Exercise can refresh the body, so be fit and spirited and avoid the disease. The benefits of exercise for health are not only obtained with modern tools and a burdensome way to your body. Perform a comfortable exercise and in accordance with the portion of body strength, which is important your body moves so that not stiff and susceptible to disease.

You can choose your favorite sports such as swimming 3 times a week, gymnastics every day of the week or jogging to sweat in the body and there are many sports you can choose. To maintain a healthy body do exercise at least once a week. For those who are office workers or students or other professions who do activities on weekdays, you can do sports when week end with your family or friends would be more fun.

8. Enough rest
Your body needs rest after doing all day activities. Get enough rest and quality, because adequate rest is less if to maintain a healthy body if your istirahta not qualified. Get enough rest is 7 to 8 hours a day. A quality break is without us carrying a load in our sleep. Try to sleep in our mind in free condition without burden, so wake up will be fresh again.

9. Avoid sleeping at certain times
There are some times that is not good if used for sleep that is the morning after 06.00 hours and the afternoon after 15:00 hours. if you sleep at a time that goes into the time range is not good for your body health. Many say that sleeping in the morning then the rejekinya akan di peg chicken, it is true that we sleep in the morning time that should be used to perform useful activities but instead wasted for sleep. In addition to these losses for the health of the body is also not good because it can cause dizziness.

Sleep late afternoon after 15:00 hours is also not good because it can cause us to forget and weaken the intelligence of the brain. Avoid sleeping within the second time. If you want to rest for an hour during the day around 12:00 to 13:00. sleeping at this hour even nourish the body because it provides an opportunity for the body to rest for a while.

10. Maintain cleanliness
Cleanliness is the key to health. Take care of your personal hygiene and environment. Personal hygiene such as wash your hands before you eat and after eating. Bathe 2 times a day so that germs and bacteria that can attack your health do not stick to your body. Germs and bacteria that are in your body or environment due to lack of personal hygiene or your environment.

The food you eat also needs to be kept clean. if you want to buy food, choose foods that are covered by plastic, avoid buying food on the sidewalks because the food that is sold on the roadside is exposed to dust and pollution so it can cause many diseases, such as stomach pain and diarrhea.

Thus some ways to maintain a healthy body everyday. Do it with pleasure so you can get a healthy body health. To get a body that remains healthy does not have to cost a fortune is not it? The important thing is the will and the intention of a healthy body you can get. Good luck hope your body stay healthy.

Benefits Of Apple For Health That We Do not Know

Who does not call it an apple? This one fruit is a fruit that is often consumed by many people, in addition to oranges and other fruits. Apple apples many kinds, but two types of this fruit is the best apple red and green. The size of a small apple's crow is larger than the green one. Increase people for this fruit is also more than the red apples.

Apple has been proven by many experts with many studies that prove that this fruit is beneficial to the human body. Apple apples not only for health, but also for beauty. So do not be surprised if many food seasonings are made from fruit such as vinegar and beauty products that contain lots of apple cider, such as facial moisturizer and body lotion.

Here are the benefits and benefits of apples for the health of the body:

1. Prevent cancer
This one disease is scary for everyone because it can infect anyone. The benefits of apples that can prevent cancer because it contains flavonoid compounds that serve to ward off cancer attacks.

2. Healthy teeth
Teeth are an important part of the mouth. In addition to chewing food, teeth also serve as a beautifying appearance, especially when smiling. Benefits of apples for teeth can make your teeth healthy and also strong.

3. Coping with dehydration
Lack of body fluids, especially water called dehydration. When you are dehydrated, your body will feel weak, tired and also lethargic. Apples contain almost 80% water. So do not be surprised if the apple efficacy is very suitable to overcome your dehydration.

4. Prevent heart attack disease
Heart attacks are the cause of many deaths today. The disease that often comes suddenly is quite dangerous for everyone, old and young. Apples can prevent this disease by lowering cholesterol in your body

5. Lowering high blood
High blood pressure or better known as hypertension is a disease that has infected many humans. High blood pressure will make you often depressed and emotional. Apples can lower your high blood pressure so that your emotions can be more calm.

6. Anti-free radicals
Free radicals that often damage the body cells will have a negative impact on your body. Quercetin content on the skin of this fruit can prevent the danger of free radicals and prevent premature aging that will attack you.

7. Prevent diarrhea
The result of bad digestion is diarrhea. Germs that enter the digestive organs will cause diarrhea. Diligent to consume this fruit in order to avoid diarrhea disruptive.

8. Preventing diabetes
Uncontrolled levels or levels of sugar will lead to diabetes. To prevent this, you can replace the consumption of regular sugar with apples. This is because this fruit contains a lot of healthy natural sugar.

9. Improve immune
Immune that is less or not strong can make you susceptible to disease easily. Apples have phenolic compounds that can boost your immune or immune system, so you do not have to worry about your body's health.

10. Clearer eyes
A good choice to make eyesight more clear is to eat apples. The content of vitamins in this fruit, including vitamin A, can improve the sharpness of your eyesight.

That's 10 benefits and apples for health benefits you need to know. May be useful to increase your knowledge in maintaining health by eating healthy fruits as well. A healthy lifestyle will benefit you in the future. Good luck.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Apparently Banana Fruit Very Useful For Health

Banana fruit is one type of fruit consumption is widely available in Indonesia. The average of this fruit when cooked yellow skin. Although some fruit is orange, red, green, purple, and black. In bananas contained many nutrients the body needs. Such as carbohydrates, protein, vitamin B6, manganese, vitamin C, potassium, fiber, protein, magnesium, folate, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin A, and iron minerals.

The energy value contained in 100 grams of bananas is about 136 calories. This is twice as high as compared to apples. Because, in 100 grams of apples have only 54 calories of calories alone. Overall enegery value on this banana comes from carbohydrates.

The carbohydrates present in bananas provide much slower energy compared to sugar and syrup, but faster than rice, biscuits and some other bread. Therefore, bananas are widely used to increase energy in istants. Suppose at a time lag during an athletic race.

Bananas are also rich in minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and iron. When compared with other types of vegetable foods, bananas are the highest. Because the mineral content of bananas, especially iron, is almost 100 percent entirely absorbed by the body.

Based on the dry weight, iron content in bananas can reach 2 mg per 100 grams and zinc 0.8 mg. Compare with apples that contain only 0.2 mg of iron and 0.1 mg of zinc in weight 100 grams.

The content of vitamins in bananas is also quite high, especially provitamin A and B vitamins, namely betakaroten 45 mg per 100 grams dry weight provitamin A and vitamin B6 of 0.5 mg per 100 grams.

In addition to the fruit of dessert, apparently the banana has many benefits for health. Here are the benefits of bananas:

Benefits and benefits of bananas for health

1. Smooth blood circulation
Benefits of bananas can help smooth blood peredarah. Potassium and potassium can regulate blood pressure. If the blood flow smoothly then can avoid dangerous diseases such as heart attack and stroke.

2. Helps digestion in the gut
Bananas are rich in fiber. Fiber is what is needed digestion so that stool is not too hard. By consuming bananas on a regular basis then the bowel movement does not experience constipation. While vitamin C is useful to resist inflamasi. In addition bananas also contain substances that are useful to reduce the risk of bowel diseases such as cancer.

3. Maintain eye health
Benefits of bananas can maintain eye health. The content of vitamin A in this fruit is needed eye for protection. For example to preserve the membrane that surrounds the eye and facilitate the eye nerve to channel light into the cornea. And most importantly this vitamin A can reduce the risk of blindness.

4. Stabilize the heart work
Bananas contain potassium electrolyte minerals. This mineral if entered into the body will be absorbed by blood and then flowed to all body cells. By regularly consuming bananas, the body's nutrients are fulfilled and have an effect on the work of the heart. Lack of potassium minerals will make the heart beat irregularly.

5. Treating anemia
Anemia is a disease of blood deficiency. Patients will feel dizzy, lethargic, and less stamina. The benefits of bananas can cure this disease. Its iron content is able to meet the needs of the body. Patients are advised to consume two bananas per day.

6. Treating acne
Acne is a skin disease caused by bacteria and hormones. To treat acne can use bananas. The trick is easy enough to destroy the ripe fruit. Then apply on acne prone skin. Let stand a few minutes then washed. Repeat this until the acne is reduced.

7. Healthy bones
The content of manganese minerals in bananas is very good for bone. These minerals provide the nutrients that bones require. Thus the bones are always strong and not easily porous.

8. Balancing the amount of fluid
The amount of fluid in the body must be balanced. Lack of fluid can be fatal, such as dehidrahi to fainting. Benefits of bananas are useful for balancing the amount of fluid in the body. Potassium content is very instrumental in this process. Thus the body fluids are balanced, the performance of normal organs.

9. Good for pregnant women
The benefits of bananas for pregnant women is no longer a secret. Bananas have good properties for pregnant women. Folic acid is contained in bananas that are important for preventing birth defects in children. In addition, there are 85-100 calories in bananas can help the formation of new cells in the fetus. Bananas are also able to reduce morning stickness in pregnant women and keep blood sugar levels remain stable.

Well, that's the benefits and efficacy of bananas for the body. Very nice bananas are to be consumed every day. However, it must remain in reasonable condition. This means not excessive in the consumption of bananas. Because there are some side effects of bananas are not good for health. For example, such as the effect of imbalances between the hormones estrogen and androgen, constipation, cardiovascular disease, blood vessel constriction, excess potassium and much more.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Too Often Eating Spicy Food Will Endanger Health

Humans at its fair have a wide range of tastes either lifestyle, appearance, to the food though. One of them in Indonesia, many presented a variety of foods that are able to arouse our appetite because in Indonesia itself has a diverse culture so that the typical food was also different.

Speaking of food issues, if you are a spicy lover. Spicy food is much preferred especially Indonesian citizens. They think that the spicy tastes delicious, eat like there is less if not spicy. For some of us it is incomplete if you enjoy the cuisine if there is no spicy taste. Spicy taste is so familiar in the tongue of Indonesia.Beberapa Consequences of Most Feeding Spicy Food:

1. Acid Reflux
Acid reflux is the return of gastric contents into the esophagus. This disease can cause pain, inflammation, and esophageal damage. Spicy food is an acid combination. When too much acid gets into the stomach, it will potentially damage the walls of the stomach.

2. Gastritis (Ulcer) Acute
Gastritis is caused due to inflammation of the gastric mucosa, the membrane lining the abdomen. Mild gastritis attacks are sometimes felt occasionally. But most of some people think it's just a simple digestive disorder. Acute ulcers are usually characterized by symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, fever, diarrhea, and headaches.

3. Gaster Ulcer (Gastric Stomach)
Spicy foods can cause injury to the sensitive mucosal layer or to the small intestine, commonly called duodenum (duodenal ulcer), or also in the esophagus (esophageal ulcer). Painful stomach pain usually causes burning in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, and weight loss.

4. Insomnia
Consuming too much spicy food can increase the body temperature that causes insomnia (insomnia). For prevention, you should avoid eating spicy food at dinner.

5. Loss of Appetite
Indeed this is not perceived by most spicy food lovers, but there is one case where people who always eat spicy food then the appetite becomes less and tend to drink more water.

6. Headache
Spicy foods result in you being hit by a headache from the effects of gastritis. Because too much spicy food.

7. The smell of the mouth and the loss of teeth
Stomach acid that rises will cause bad breath, and teeth become hollow because of the excessive acid content in your mouth

8. Heartburn / Stomachache and Diarrhea
Very spicy can also directly cause a person to feel heartburn.
Too much to eat spicy causes irritation to the digestive tract that causes increased bowel movement so that heartburn and cause digestive problems. If this condition occurs, you can overcome it by eating foods that are absorbing like bread

There are many benefits contained in chili such as increase appetite, control microbial contamination, prevent cancer, facilitate the digestive system, healthy heart, and contain the source of vitamins A, B, C and E.

For you spicy food lovers. It's time to pay attention to your diet. Try not to eat too much spicy food because it will have a negative impact on health. Eating spicy foods is a difficult habit to avoid because if someone who is accustomed to eating spicy food will tend to feel there is less if not consume spicy foods such as eating vegetables without salt. Actually it's okay to consume spicy foods as long as the level of spiciness is not excessive and sufficiently.

Everyday Habits That We Do Apparently Can Endanger Health

Most of us always try to apply a healthy lifestyle. Routine exercise, control food intake, or follow the rules of health in general. However, unwittingly many of the habits and behaviors that we do everyday able to generate potential that is dangerous enough for us.

But what are the Habits?

1. Consumption of vitamins every day

Most people need multi vitamins to maintain endurance and increase nutritional needs. However, a number of studies have shown that supplements that are consumed regularly are unlikely to protect the body from chronic illness and are just wasting money.

Three studies conducted in 2013 found no evidence that taking daily supplements prevent or slow the risk of developing chronic diseases, such as cancer and heart disease.

In 2017, the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S. underscores the potential for other hazards to consume supplements. They issued a warning to consumers about the risk of high doses of biotin, the vitamin B complex.

High biotin content in the blood can reduce the results of several laboratory tests, such as tests that measure hormone levels and tests that detect heart attacks. The results of the wrong test can cause fatal even death.

2. Sit all day long

Jobs that require you to sit in a chair for hours prove to be harmful to health, linked to diabetes and heart disease, according to the study.
A study in 2015 identifies other risks. Women who sit more than 6 hours a day have a higher risk of developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer and multiple myeloma (a form of blood cancer), compared to women who sit less than 3 hours in a day.
These results are not seen in men, except those who have obesity problems. Men with obesity who spend more time in a sitting position also have a higher risk of cancer.

Exercise can be one of the best ways to overcome the negative effects caused by being too long in a sitting position. Take a moment to move the body to eliminate some health risks from sitting for long periods of time.

3. Using a smart phone

Smartphones have become a necessity for anyone nowadays. However, the more people who use it, the more health concerns that arise.

A study in 2016 reveals that adults spend more time using their smartphones before going to sleep, so they take longer to fall asleep and the quality of sleep earned is also not good.
One reason is because exposure to blue light on the phone screen can suppress the production of brain hormone melatonin, making it difficult to drowsy.

Smartphones can also affect the adolescent brain in other ways, producing too much gamma-aminobutyric neurotransmitter (GABA), an area in the brain that controls emotions, causing opiates for teenagers due to chemical imbalance in their brain.

4. Too long play social media

Although social media is designed to connect between one person and many people, its excessive use can have a detrimental effect on the user.

By definition social isolation is that you will feel not part of the community and have no skills to socialize with others to form a relationship.

There is still no definitive research on why people are too long to use social media is because they already feel isolated or whether they feel more isolated after the use of social media increases.

Some possible explanation for this is that social media can limit face-to-face interactions, and display false images to others, indicating that others their age are living a happier life than they are.

5. Wearing Skinny Jeans

An article in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry describes the case of a woman who suffered nerve damage by helping her friend move while wearing skinny jeans.

He squats all day long, and this causes compression of the area below the knees that have many nerves. Compression is severe enough to cause numbness in the lower legs that cause to be hospitalized for several days.

Doctors say that this condition is called "compartment syndrome" That is when the blood supply to the leg muscles is reduced due to the use of tight pants. This in turn causes muscle swelling and nearby nerve compression.

So, avoid the use of pants that are too tight if your activities will be a lot of squatting or sitting. If you have no choice, make sure you do not bend for a long time.

6. Bite your nails

For some people will probably do this when you're feeling nervous. But did you know that biting your nails could pose a risk to your health?
The number and type of bacteria that live under your nails range from mild to quite disgusting. Studies have found salmonella, E. coli, and other dangerous pathogens.

Even if you wash your hands regularly, it does not guarantee you have been thoroughly cleaned up to your nails, so the bacteria rotted there. What can happen if you keep biting your nails? You could end up with severe gastrointestinal problems or other unpleasant diseases.

That's Some of Our Daily Habits That Are Bad For Our Health.