Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Everyday Habits That We Do Apparently Can Endanger Health

Most of us always try to apply a healthy lifestyle. Routine exercise, control food intake, or follow the rules of health in general. However, unwittingly many of the habits and behaviors that we do everyday able to generate potential that is dangerous enough for us.

But what are the Habits?

1. Consumption of vitamins every day

Most people need multi vitamins to maintain endurance and increase nutritional needs. However, a number of studies have shown that supplements that are consumed regularly are unlikely to protect the body from chronic illness and are just wasting money.

Three studies conducted in 2013 found no evidence that taking daily supplements prevent or slow the risk of developing chronic diseases, such as cancer and heart disease.

In 2017, the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S. underscores the potential for other hazards to consume supplements. They issued a warning to consumers about the risk of high doses of biotin, the vitamin B complex.

High biotin content in the blood can reduce the results of several laboratory tests, such as tests that measure hormone levels and tests that detect heart attacks. The results of the wrong test can cause fatal even death.

2. Sit all day long

Jobs that require you to sit in a chair for hours prove to be harmful to health, linked to diabetes and heart disease, according to the study.
A study in 2015 identifies other risks. Women who sit more than 6 hours a day have a higher risk of developing breast cancer, ovarian cancer and multiple myeloma (a form of blood cancer), compared to women who sit less than 3 hours in a day.
These results are not seen in men, except those who have obesity problems. Men with obesity who spend more time in a sitting position also have a higher risk of cancer.

Exercise can be one of the best ways to overcome the negative effects caused by being too long in a sitting position. Take a moment to move the body to eliminate some health risks from sitting for long periods of time.

3. Using a smart phone

Smartphones have become a necessity for anyone nowadays. However, the more people who use it, the more health concerns that arise.

A study in 2016 reveals that adults spend more time using their smartphones before going to sleep, so they take longer to fall asleep and the quality of sleep earned is also not good.
One reason is because exposure to blue light on the phone screen can suppress the production of brain hormone melatonin, making it difficult to drowsy.

Smartphones can also affect the adolescent brain in other ways, producing too much gamma-aminobutyric neurotransmitter (GABA), an area in the brain that controls emotions, causing opiates for teenagers due to chemical imbalance in their brain.

4. Too long play social media

Although social media is designed to connect between one person and many people, its excessive use can have a detrimental effect on the user.

By definition social isolation is that you will feel not part of the community and have no skills to socialize with others to form a relationship.

There is still no definitive research on why people are too long to use social media is because they already feel isolated or whether they feel more isolated after the use of social media increases.

Some possible explanation for this is that social media can limit face-to-face interactions, and display false images to others, indicating that others their age are living a happier life than they are.

5. Wearing Skinny Jeans

An article in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry describes the case of a woman who suffered nerve damage by helping her friend move while wearing skinny jeans.

He squats all day long, and this causes compression of the area below the knees that have many nerves. Compression is severe enough to cause numbness in the lower legs that cause to be hospitalized for several days.

Doctors say that this condition is called "compartment syndrome" That is when the blood supply to the leg muscles is reduced due to the use of tight pants. This in turn causes muscle swelling and nearby nerve compression.

So, avoid the use of pants that are too tight if your activities will be a lot of squatting or sitting. If you have no choice, make sure you do not bend for a long time.

6. Bite your nails

For some people will probably do this when you're feeling nervous. But did you know that biting your nails could pose a risk to your health?
The number and type of bacteria that live under your nails range from mild to quite disgusting. Studies have found salmonella, E. coli, and other dangerous pathogens.

Even if you wash your hands regularly, it does not guarantee you have been thoroughly cleaned up to your nails, so the bacteria rotted there. What can happen if you keep biting your nails? You could end up with severe gastrointestinal problems or other unpleasant diseases.

That's Some of Our Daily Habits That Are Bad For Our Health.


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