Friday, April 13, 2018

6 Diet That Are Dangerous to Your Body Counseling

Eating becomes vital in supporting health and human life. So if you want to have a healthy body, it is very important to meet your plate with healthy food and apply a good diet or eating habits.
Before starting a good eating habit, let's examine some diet or food habits that can endanger the health of the body but unfortunately you do every day.

1. Rarely eat vegetables

Needless to say again that vegetables are solid fiber and nutrients healthy. If you rarely eat vegetables, then there are no natural sponges that can absorb a variety of harmful substances in the body and there is no injection of natural nutrients for your health.

2. Eat at night

The deadline for eating at night is 7 PM. If more than the time specified, the food will not be digested properly. As a result will appear indigestion and obesity.

3. Consumption of fried foods

Eating fried with rice is delicious. But do not overdo it because the oil content in gorengan course can increase the cholesterol in the blood.

4. Consumption of foods high in carbohydrates

Rice is the staple food of the Indonesian people is very high in carbohydrate content in it. Carbohydrates are important to build energy. But if excessive, then the carbohydrates are not digested properly will be a pile of calories that endanger the health of the body.

5. Most sugar consumption

Not only in foods that taste sweet, sugar can also be found in beverage packaging, bread, or even rice. And most sugar consumption can cause obesity, rising cholesterol, to diabetes.

6. Snacking on unhealthy food

The snack menu is predominantly a diet rich in salt, oil, sugar, or too much MSG. And if you like excessive snacking, obesity and a series of other dangerous diseases become a threat.

You still often do habits or unhealthy diet above? Better reduce for the health of your body.


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