Monday, April 16, 2018

Nail Care Tips Naturally

Your nails can indeed look shiny after doing a number of treatments at the salon. However, the sparkle on your nails is generated by the kutek. Well, what if you are someone who is not too fond of using kutek? Can the nails look shiny even if you're not using a kutek?

There is always a natural way to beautify yourself, including to polish your nails. There are a number of natural ingredients that can make your nails look shiny without the need for a salon? Bacaterus will share 7 naturally glossy ways with ingredients that you might not have expected.

Here are 6 Ways to Caring Nails Naturally

1. Starfruit
Star fruit wuluh is a fruit that is usually used to cook food such as vegetables asem or pepesan. However, the fluid that comes out from the starfruit may help you to polish your nails.

Enough 1 fruit star fruit just to do glazed treatment 10 finger nails your hands. Split the fruit into two parts, then rub the meat into your fingernails. After that, wash your nails with clean water. This treatment will polish the nails while cleaning the dirt on the sidelines of the nail.

2. Aloe vera

The benefits of aloe vera to beautify themselves is very unusual. If you previously know that aloe vera is very good for hair care, now you must also know that aloe vera can also complement the nail polishing method naturally.

All you need is a fresh aloe vera gel. Then, apply aloe gel to the fingernails and toes. Let stand for 15-30 minutes for the gel to work to make the appearance of your nails look clear and shiny. When it is 15-30 minutes, rinse your fingers using warm water.

3. Watermelon skin

Do not get rid of the skin first when you eat watermelon! Yes, this fresh and sweet fruit can also help you to have beautiful nails and look more sparkling. However, this time you no longer use the flesh, but only use the skin only.

This watermelon skin will later be rubbed into all parts of your nails. When all the nails have been rubbed, let alone the rest of the watermelon dries by itself. Clean the remaining watermelon that dries with a tissue dampened with water. Do this treatment every 2 days so that your nails look shiny faster.

4. Garlic

Spice this one kitchen can also be used as a natural ingredient to polish nails. However, the risks of your nails and fingers will smell of onions. All you need is one clove of garlic that has been peeled and washed clean.

Cut the garlic in half, then rub the inside of garlic all over your nails. After a few moments of silence, wipe your fingers with soap to remove the garlic odor. See the results, nails look more sparkling with regular use.

5. Cumin seeds

Nails that look dull and yellow can be caused due to fungal infection of the nail. Well, the solution to your nails look more natural sparkle is to use the seeds of cumin. Who would have thought if this one kitchen spice turns out to be a naturally polished way of nail polish?

Destroy 1 tablespoon cumin first. The next way is to put the cumin into a container that has been filled with clean water. Nails that look yellow will look more shiny after this treatment. Better still if you do this treatment every day before bed at night.

6. Lemon
Just like white vinegar, lemon also has a high acid content to polish your nails. In fact, lemon is a more natural ingredient so it will not damage your nails. Squeeze lemon juice in one container, then soak your fingers in lemon water for 15-30 minutes. Lemon water will glaze your nails gradually.

Here are 6 ways to polish the above nails by utilizing natural ingredients. How to polish nails with natural ingredients is not visible direct results, but if you undergo treatment painstakingly, then you will soon get the result of a nail look that looks shiny and clean natural.



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