Saturday, April 14, 2018

Mango Fruit Benefits For Body Health

Do you know the benefits of mango fruit? As we know mangoes are often also referred to as the king of fruits. This fruit besides tastes good, mango is one of the fruits that are rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

With the many nutrient content in it is definitely this fruit has many benefits for the health of our bodies. If you regularly consume mango, then you have made the right choice.

In addition we can enjoy one of the sweetest fruit in the world, we also can get the benefits that can make our body healthy.

1. Vitamins And Minerals

Mangoes are rich in sources of vitamins and minerals. Mango fruit contains vitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin E and selenium which can help to prevent heart disease and other diseases, such as colon and cervical cancer.

Vitamins A and C contained in this fruit is also a source of potassium that helps blood pressure, muscle contraction and keep your body processes working properly.

Mango fruit contains high iron which is very beneficial for people who have anemia and also good for pregnant mother. Mango is also rich in Vitamin E which can help the hormonal system work more efficiently.

2. Antioxidants

One of the benefits of mango fruit is to slow or prevent oxidative damage to our body. For antioxidants, we need not doubt the greatness of the mango.

Mango contains phenols such as isoquercitrin, Quercetin, Fisetin, astragalin, galia and methylgallat. These phenolic compounds are said to have strong anti-cancer effects for the human body.

3. Level of Acidity and Digestion

Another benefit of mangoes is to treat stomach acid and other digestive disorders. Enzymes present in the manga fruit can soothe the stomach.

This enzyme can also provide a sense of satiety to the body. So, we can control our eating desires. This will help if you are on a diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

4. Fiber

The manga fruit contains a high amount of fiber that can help or prevent constipation. Fiber can also prevent certain types of cancer (eg Gut), high blood and cholesterol. Even some degenerative diseases, especially those related to the liver.

5. Gain weight

Mango is also beneficial for people who want to gain weight. Raw manges contain starch that will be converted into sugar substances.

Therefore, ripe mango (rich in sugar) when consumed with additional milk will greatly help in increasing the weight.

Beauty Tips With Mango Benefits

Beautiful skin is every woman's dream. With the benefits of this mango, we can care for skin beauty without having to bother to the salon. Here are some tips:

1. Overcoming dark spots on the face - Mango skin can be used to overcome this problem. Dry mango skin then made powder shape. Mix the powdered mango leaves with yoghurt, then apply on the face that there is a black stain.
2. Cures Acne - Mango that is still raw, cut and boiled. The remaining water of the stew can be used to wash the face.

3. Overcoming sunburn skin - Take the mango, then cut into pieces. Apply a piece of mango on the burning skin. Apply more milk cream on it. Silence for a while, about 5-15 minutes and wash clean with cold water.
4. Moisturize Hair - Mango is also good for hair because it contains vitamin A, the nutrients needed for the production of natural sebum to moisturize the hair. Vitamin A is also necessary for the growth of all body tissues, including skin and hair.

Potential Risk of Mango Fruit Health

For people who have latex allergies, may also have a cross reaction to mango. Consuming too much potassium can be harmful to people who have kidney disorders and are not functioning properly. If the kidneys are unable to remove the excess potassium from the blood, it can be fatal.

However the benefits of this mango, will be more important if done with an overall diet. Including for disease prevention and achieving good health. Better to consume food with a variety rather than concentrate on one type of food.



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